
The Work Environment Management (WEM®) system.

Products That Help You Succeed

Job Productivity Assurance and Control

JPAC®, is a computer-enabled process designed to measure, predict, and improve job site labor productivity for contractors.

Short Interval Scheduling

SIS® identifies hindrances to the field that are causing the field workers to not be able to install in the most effective and productive way.

Tracking Profit Accounting
with Control

TPAC® focuses on improving owners and project manager’s control over their project financials. TPAC®’s strength comes from it’s unique capability to interconnect to with JPAC® and use labor performance projection methodology to enhance project financial projections. Project reports created with TPAC® will enable owners and project managers to get more accurate and reliable projections of the project status and the end-of-job financial performance, earlier than ever before. More than ever before WEM Software is becoming the “Crystal Ball” of Project Management. Contact MCA today for a demo of this powerful product suite and pricing for a complete package, or an add on to your existing WEM Software tools.

Digitalization, Commonization, and Interconnection

DCI Construction® is the next generation Agile Construction® software application for the construction industry. Spanning even broader scope than the single job by job management, DCI™ begins to explore complete project lifecycle management at the overall corporate and enterprise level. From Pipeline and Backlog, Procurement, Project Planning, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Project Scheduling, Manpower and Resource Planning, Project Execution, Daily Scheduling (SIS®), Timesheets, Productivity Tracking (JPAC®), Progress Reporting, Financial Reporting and Projection, Estimating Accuracy Enhancer (EAE®), and more – now are all accessible in one digital, common, and interconnected application to take project and work environment management to the higher level.


Estimation Accuracy Enhancer

EAE® allows us to improve performance based estimation accuracy through the correct interpretation and recognition of labor performance in the field, creating the opportunity to win more jobs


Customer Position & Control

CPAC® is a simple, reliable method for measuring the requirements in terms of both cost and effort, necessary to meet the demands of a customer, whether that customer is external or internal.

Software as a Process®

Using Agile Construction®  software, such as the current JPAC®  and SIS®  and any future products to ensure the follow through of the intended process for project performance.


Construction Market Share

MCA has worked with several construction association chapters and union locals to provide them with a comprehensive study of their local market size and share.



FabTrack® is a system dedicated to measuring the tangible progress being done during the prefabrication process.