Steering Committee Charter:

Dr. Heather Moore

Vice President of Operations at MCA Inc.

Dr. Perry Daneshgari

President & CEO of MCA Inc.

Frederick Sargent

Great Service Forums

Mike Holmes

President/Owner of Holmes Electric

The original ELECTRI research for the Optimal Operation Model was conducted in 1999. A Forum like this one back then could have been the ones driving the last 15 years of market swings, instead of reacting to them. Our goal now is to avoid the next 15 years of swings by having a forum to understand and be ahead, which is about what has happened in the past, or in best case, happening currently.

CEO Forum Purpose

  • Help industry leaders to predict, and adopt business models
  • Identify and study the requirements for dealing with disruptive approaches being taken by offshore companies/countries

CEO Forum Steering Committee Role

  • Help establish guidelines for the CEO forum
    • Organization
    • Scope
  • Identify potential topics
  • Think independently and contribute to the topics of the forum, with practical evidence
  • Help guide the CEO form direction
  • Help review and shape the content for the CEO forum


  • The CFSC will meet once a month, beginning January 2016
  • MCA will collect the feedback from the CFSC meetings throughout 2016 and compile into a white paper that will set the direction for the Forum event
  • The CFSC will aim to hold the first CEO forum in 2017

Reading Material

CEO Forum Steering Committee Meeting #1

January 29, 2016 

Executive Summary of Meeting


“The best way to know the future is to create it.” Dr. Drucker stated this at a time when the U.S. economy and way of doing business was transforming in the middle part of the 20th century. Following Industrialization of the manufacturing industry, businesses had a new set of rules to work within.

MCA, Inc. is planning to initiate a CEO Forum to create the future of construction in the U.S. and effectively the rest of the world. Doing this will require non-linear thinking by leveraging knowledge and stretching the boundaries of the current “norms” in the market. This first meeting of the CEO Forum Steering Committee, comprised of eight of the most forward-thinking and influential leaders and companies in the construction industry, kicked off the foundation of the Forum. Following introductions, Dr. Perry explained the objective of the CEO Forum and its role in handling the triple threat of Industrialization of Construction®, shifts in the market, and disruptive innovation that are all happening simultaneously and rapidly.

The group brainstormed on these trends, and on potential topics for review, thought, and discussion by the Steering Committee over the next 11 months, to help shape the Forum which will bring together the best and brightest in construction and other industries. The Forum will be guided by the Steering Committee’s vision and work to identify where the industry is going and what is needed to bring about its future.